Model for simulating dynamics of cohesive landslides
BingClaw is a model for simulating the dynamics of cohesive (clay-rich) landslides.
The primary objective of this service will be to equip scientists with advanced tools for simulating landslide dynamics in both subaerial and subaqueous conditions, both as a tool for simulating the landslide dynamics and its run-out distance, and also for generating tsunamis. This service is part of the candidate Thematic Core Service for tsunami and will be integrated into the Integrated Core Service Data Portal of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS).
Model features
- interface for setting landslide material parameters
- built-in functions for handling landslide remoulding and cascading failure
- support for providing initial failure release zones
- Python script interface
- filters for setting up necessary input data such as bathymetry, initial landslide configurations, failure area
- planned upgrade – jupyter notebook interface and model distribution via containers
- simple tools for processing model outputs will be provided

Example of model output from BingClaw for submarine landslide dynamics, Trænadjupet tsunami ~4000 years BP (Løvholt et al., 2017)
Method description
The method is described in the following open-access publications.

Steven Gibbons
Senior adviser Climate Adaptation and Hydrodynamics 986 13 288