Field testing

At NGI, we are proud of our heritage and state-of-the-art capabilities for offshore large-scale field testing of prototype structures. Our team of experienced geotechnical engineers and technicians is equipped with the latest tools and technologies to conduct comprehensive and accurate field tests that provide invaluable insights into the behavior of structures under real-world conditions also when the operations have to be executed below the water surface.
Our large-scale field testing has always been essential for research and development within the development of the geotechnical profession. Over the years, the need for innovation and development in the construction industry to go deeper and build in unfavorable soil conditions and to meet the demand for the offshore sector has led to state-of-the-art field tests on a variety of geotechnical solutions, including:
- strutted excavation
- deep slurry walls in soft clay
- vertically and laterally loaded piles
- deep penetration of concrete walls offshore
- suction anchors
- monopiles
By evaluating the performance of new or innovative structures under real-world conditions, we can gather data that can be used to refine and improve their designs. We can use the knowledge gained to make the structure more resilient, safer, and cost-effective by identifying potential problems or areas for improvement in a prototype structure.
Large-scale field testing provides accurate and comprehensive data that can be used to validate and improve computer models and simulations, making them more precise and reliable.

At NGI, we are committed to providing our clients with high-quality and reliable large-scale field test planning, execution, and interpretation. Our team has the expertise, experience, and equipment to conduct large-scale field tests that meet the highest standards in rough and harsh environments.

Stephen Hayes
Head of Section Field Testing and Offshore Instrumentation 934 10 760

Per Sparrevik
Expert Adviser Field Testing and Offshore Instrumentation 924 91 449