
Tsunamis generated by submarine slides

In 2011, the run-up of the 1888 Trondheimsfjorden slide tsunami was investigated using detailed inundation modeling.

Published 21.06.2006 , last updated 21.06.2023

Numerical modeling of the 1888 Trondheimsfjorden slide: Maximal surface elevation during inundation.

The numerical results are close to the reported observations in 1888.  Previously, the following tsunamis generated by submarine slides have been investigated:

  • the Boknafjorden slide tsunami (about 10 000 BP)
  • the Holocene Storegga slide generated a tsunami
  • the historical Yermak slide north of Svalbard

The event in Boknafjorden has been presented as a possible reason for the extinction of a Stone Age settlement in southwest Norway.

Portrait of Sylfest Glimsdal

Sylfest Glimsdal

Senior Specialist Climate Adaptation and Hydrodynamics
+47 909 72 669