
Python basics for geoscience and geotechnics

If you always wanted to dive into the world of coding, this introductory Python programming course for completely new beginners is just for you!

Published 04.03.2024

Instructor: Georg Erharter / Sjur Beyer

Duration & sessions: 16h course in 4x4h sessions

Description: Are you interested in programming but feel overwhelmed by the complexity? Join our 4-session course and learn how to program with Python for geoscientific applications in a way that is easy and accessible to everyone. No prior experience is required! Python is the most versatile programming language today and enables you to do everything from API accesses, data analyses to interaction with other software. We will break down the intimidating barriers of programming and guide you through the world of Python step-by-step. You will also have the opportunity to apply your new skills through two homework exercises and many smaller examples and tasks. Enrol in our course today and start your journey to becoming a programming expert!

Language: English

Required previous experience: None

Teaching mode: online via MS Teams

Course fee: 8 410,- NOK

Min-/max. allowed participants: 6/16

Hardware & software requirements: Own personal computer/laptop that can run the Anaconda Python distribution - (recommended to download and install before the course).; Microsoft Teams ready video conference equipment: microphone & camera

2 courses are offered in autumn 2024:

  • Autumn 2024 – 1: 7th Oct. 9th Oct. 14th Oct. 16th Oct. (13:00-17:00)
  • Autumn 2024 – 2: 25th Nov. 27th Nov. 2nd Dec. 4th Dec. (08:00-12:00)

Terms and conditions: NGI's course terms and conditions that apply are given during ticket purchase.


Please choose a course to register:

Portrait of Georg Erharter

Georg Erharter

Senior Engineer Rock Engineering